2020 Year End Performance: Drive-In Style

This is not the 2020 Year End Performance we were planning, but we are thrilled to be able to give our hard working dancers an opportunity to showcase all their work throughout this challenging dance season.

We spent an entire weekend at the studio in our “transformed theater” filming all dances. We followed all Charleston Dance Center COVID-19 procedures and were even able to offer a two-camera livestream for families to watch the performance!

Now, we are proud to invite families and friends to watch the show outside on the big screen. The screening will be held on Sunday, August 16 in Hollywood (South Carolina!) with a start time at dark, around 8:30 p.m. Since we know this is late, our youngest dancers are at the front of the lineup, so families can leave early as needed. There is no cost for this event! The address of the screening will be emailed to registered dance families.

While we are calling this a drive-in screening, we will have a parking area and a viewing area, where you can set up chairs and blankets. Each family will be expected to socially distance themselves from other families. If it is possible to carpool, please do! Food trucks will also be on-site.

This event would not be possible without Fox Audio Visual and the Rea family. Thank you!

You have no idea how much we APPRECIATE your support and dedication to your dancer and our studio.  As you all know, no one could have guessed any of this would have happened.  We are just so grateful that you have been so supportive and committed.  This too shall pass and we are prepared for the upcoming season to be one of our best yet!

Mark your calendar for the 2021 Year End Performance, back at the Sotille Theater, on June 19, 2021!

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