The Annual Year End Performance


A Year’s Worth of Dedication and Hard Work

Performance Details & Information

Show Date & Venue

The specific YEP date will be announced during August Enrollment for the season. Typically, the venue is also secured by then. In case of any changes, we will promptly update all families.

Important Dates

Stay informed about crucial dates such as costume fees, performance fees, picture week, and dress rehearsals. Refer to the Important Studio Dates page for details.


Tickets are exclusively sold online, going on sale in May prior to the show. Details will be provided closer to the event.

Performance Requirements

Dancer Participation

The participation in the YEP is optional for dancers- decision must be indicated at the time of registration.

Please note that not every class participates in our YEP. Classes marked with an * on our Schedule Page will not perform in the Year End Performance and will not learn or rehearse choreography. These classes are exclusively for training purposes. If you have any questions or require further clarification, please feel free to reach out to us.

Performance Costumes

Dancers must have a costume for each dance number they are performing in. Costume payments will be completed through installments in the Fall.

CDC does not order recital costumes for Hip Hop classes. Instead, a specific “look” is created, and parents are requested to purchase the costume independently, once instructed by the class teacher.


Dancers must attend classes regularly to be eligible to perform in the YEP.

The day before the YEP, there is a MANDATORY Dress Rehearsal. Absentee dancers will not be permitted to perform in the YEP.

Prepare for Excellence: Charleston Dance Center’s Year End Performance